Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trip South Day 3 -- Beaufort, NC to Southport, NC (100 miles)

Late start after late night last night. Should have been a fairly easy run in comparison to the past few days... but running the inside of North Carolina has it's own challenges. Wide sounds of very shallow water with a skinny channel requires paying attention. Running fast in to the sun adds to the challenges. Lots and lots of slow-down passes for sailboats. I think most of the population of Canada was sailing slowly through North Carolina today. Add plenty of Sunday boaters out in little boats fishing along the channel and I felt like the day would never end. Very busy waterways here. Missed the Onslow Beach swing bridge opening by 15 minutes because of all of the sailboats and had to sit and wait for 45 minutes for the next opening. 

First dolphin encounter of the trip. They were everywhere around us. Tough to get pictures though.

All told, it took 5 hours to run the 100 miles and pulled in right at last light (said it was a late start). Southport Marina stayed open for an extra 1/2 hour to get me in and fueled before they left for the day. 

Dinner at The Pharmacy.